(W) Todd Livingston
(A) Jacob Greenawalt, Jorge Pacheco
(CA) Adrian Ropp
Want to read some great all ages comics? Don't wait for Mr. Peabody to tell you, check out The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show #3! Its chock-full'a intelligent and clever stories that amuse, entertain, and tickle your funny bone. Remember when cartoons were smart and satirical? Join Moose and Squirrel on a way-back trip to a slapstickier era! Now, come watch us pull a rabbit out of this hat! The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show comes with three covers - Main & Peabody & Sherman Covers by Adrian Ropp and a Retro Animation Retailer Incentive Edition.
Available in August
Rocky & Bullwinkle Show #3 Peabody & Sherman Ropp Cvr